


Kenneth Stubbs


Floral artist Kenneth Stubbs began his love affair with nature and color at an early age.  Born in the Bahamas, the sweet smell of jasmine mixed with the riotous pinks, fuschias, yellows and greens of the native plants were his companions on his daily walks to school. The ever-changing silvers, turquoises and blues of the Caribbean Sea were his playground.

Upon arriving in New York as a teenager, Kenneth molded the fertile creativity of his island home with the sophisticated sensibilities of New York City.  Training at the studios of floral design legends Preston Bailey, Michael Oppize, and Robert Isabel a , he became an expert in the execution of the multi-faceted event design business, including draping and lighting.

Kenneth’s love of floral design ultimately guided his career, however, and he served as the Head Designer for Bloom, one of the premier New York City floral studios, for almost ten years. In 2011 Kenneth moved to Miami, Florida with his family, where currently resides.

In South Florida, Kenneth has created floral installations for The Ritz-Carlton Residences in Miami Beach and Palm Beach. Most notable of these is Kenneth’s creative hand in events for lifestyle guru Martha Stewart, the Miami Symphony Orchestra, the Miami Children’s Hospital Foundation, Gaggeneau, Acqua de Parma,  the Greater Miami Jewish Federation and more.

Kobayashi Floral Art  Studio is Kenneth’s newest venture and is located in  the Miami Design District on the corner of NE 2nd Avenue and 43rd Street.